Saturday, June 16, 2007

the cowgirl life

First, appologies to my sister... I will try to give you lots to live vicariously through in this post.

I suppose first an anecdote about working with a criminal wouldn't hurt: When I first started working at the barns there was a big, burly guy by the name of John working there. John was a racist loudmouth and generally considered to be a bit of a jerk, but you know, whatever. John was supposedly a rodeo star from Texas, where his parents had a big Quarter Horse ranch.

Anyhow, one day John asks my friend Pam if he can borrow her car to go into Calgary. Pam loans him the car. He does not return that night, nor the next night. Then her credit card is used in Olds, Alberta... THEN she calls the cops. It is at this point that we find out John already has warrants out for his arrest. Oh, and he's from Ontario, not Texas.

For a week or two nothing happens. The cops are looking for John, Pam is looking for John, my boss, Ron, is looking for John, and John's old roommate, who he stiffed for the cable and internet bill is looking for John.

Then, one day, a woman calls from Olds. A fellow named John is dating her daughter. He says he works for Warner Stables, and she wants to know if there is anything she should know about him.

"Yeah, call the cops."

Other than that, life's pretty much settled into a routine. I've developed a hardcore farmer's tan. I work a lot. I party occasionally, although not so often as most of the people I work with. I'm dating a very nice Brit who is a photographer for us down at the corrals (the Fairmont).

Now, I must go do my laundry and pick up an ice cream cake. I have no clean clothes, and it's my friend Tia's birthday tonight.


Matthew Francis said...

Sounds pretty nice (mostly!)!

Anonymous said...

Yoooooohoooooooooooooooo. How's life?