Thursday, February 22, 2007

a quick post, cause I'm almost out of minutes at the internet cafe

I bought my plane ticket home for the wedding! Yayyyy. I'll be home from March 13-19, and I had better see you ALL!

Today was boring, boring, boring at work. The 1 to 10 shift sucks. By 8:00 you are ready to fall asleep. Noone was buying anything, either. Grrr.

Might go out tonight with Jess (my roommate). Not sure. I don't have to work tomorrow, but I've discovered to my dismay that it doesn't really matter whether I'm working early or not---my body is programmed to wake up at 5:00 a.m. Ugh.

Well, have a good 'un, everyone!

....Oh, yeah! I had a dream last night that someone I knew had a book published. Not me, though. I think it was my subconsciousness telling me to get off my duff and write.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Belated Valentines Day, everyone!

I actually got my computer on the internet for a whole five minutes the other night. Not long enough to actually accomplish anything, but still...

Yesterday at Snowflake I had a couple come in who had just, just gotten married! They met in Mexico two months ago, and have been drunk and in love every since, apparently.

Working two jobs is getting a bit tiring, but the money's good! I think I'm going to give up the Snowflake one in a few months, once my bank account has bounced back a little.

Went out partying Valentine's Day night. It was Brady from the Ski Shop's birthday, so a huge crowd of us hit the clubs. At the gave us all name tags (Jess and I were terribly unoriginal and actually put our names on them---everyone else put things like, Captain Amazing and Mr. Cool on theirs). They also all gave us stickers indicating our relationship status. Each person got a half of a players card, too: if you found the person who had the other half of your card, you both got free drinks, and were entered into a draw for a dinner at one of Banff's nicer restaurants (not the Inns, in other words). I found several guys with the same card, but none who were a perfact match, alas. Then I went to the washroom and lost my card---the new Aussie Ben (not to be confused with the old Aussie Ban) gave me his card, seeing as how his broken and unset arm was hurting and he wanted to go home, but by that time I had given up the quest. Oh, well.

In any case, it was a pretty fun way to spend Valentine's Day.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Chugging along on fumes...

It's now 4:40 p.m., and I'm taking my break from Snowflake. A lady came into the store earlier and bought a Lishman knit beaver hat, a rex rabbit weave scarf, and a pair of fox-trimmed gloves, all within a ten minute span. "I'll get these, and these, and these." She paid cash, too. $900. She was seriously considering getting her 80-year-old mother a $2500 mink shawl, but decided she would just leave it at the legion, anyways.

Worked the 6 a.m. shift at the restaurant today. When the door opened, we had a lineup twenty deep at the door. Fun stuff.

My friend and fellow waiter, Jason, has apparently injured himself to such an extent that he will not be working for two months. From what I hear he has a black eye, a concussion, and a broken arm. Oh, and today's his birthday! Happy Birthday Jason! I'm guessing he'll be headed back to Montreal. Poor lad :( I hope I get a chance to see him before he leaves.

Tomorrow is Calgary... I'll finally be able to use that Chapters gift card Katherine gave me for Christmas. Yay! I'll also be able to close my T.D. bank account and buy some shoes. Kick ass!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Forgive me for the lack of recent updates...

But I have very little free time. Oddly enough, I am perfectly content with this arrangement. I like both of my jobs, and when I'm not working I manage to squeeze in a fair to middling social life.

Tomorrow, I'm working both of my jobs. What this means is I will be working from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Money, money, money, right?

The other night, a couple came into the restaurant. Turns out they own the International Guide that is in all the hotels locally. They also seem to be fairly filthy rich. We hit it off quite well, and they left me a glowing comment card, plus an offer of employment as an advertising salesman (yeah, right). I have a faint suspicion they may be trying to set me up with their short, balding, swishy son, though---they sent him into the fur store twice, yesterday.

Went out on a date with a fellow by the name of Carlos, from Toronto, last night. Have run into him a few times since I came here to Banff--he's actually one of the first people I met when I first came here. Anyhow, he came into the fur store yesterday and asked for my number. Seems nice enough.

Friday, I have the day off. Heading up to Calscary for the day.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

tired but rich

I worked until almost midnight last night---then I came back to work for 6 a.m. this morning.

Should have been out of the Wildfire at around 11:00, but the computer systems were down. What this meant was that we were unable to do our cashouts. Our manager told us we'd have to stick around until the system was back up---which took a while because the technician was out partying and was quite unhappy about being called in---but in the meantime, here's the keys to the liquor cabinet, guys. So, we sat around and I whined about having to be back at work in 6 hours and drank a beer. Oh well.

I have tonight off---yay! Am going to supper with a few of my housemates.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sorry it's been a while...

My computer has been on the fritz. My new wireless card is picking up signals, but the strongest one lets me connect, but won't let me use the internet (what's the point in connecting, then?) The other signals all let me connect and then immediately drop me, to the delight of Artan, my house supervisor, who sits beside me using his laptop and getting just fine signals, thank you very much.

I'm writing this from the internet cafe, where I have come to pay my overdue online bills, seeing as how I've been trying to pay them off for the past several days from the comfort of my own home to no avail...


Banff is still good.

Went to the movies with Jesse last night. Hadn't seen him since New Years Eve. He's heading back home to the land down under in a month.

Went out partying with the housemates Tuesday night. Good times.

And other than that? I've been working a lot. Will post some amusing work anecdotes at a later time. For now, must go pay off that credit card bill so I can buy a plane ticket home for Missy and Janine's big day!