Thursday, February 8, 2007

Chugging along on fumes...

It's now 4:40 p.m., and I'm taking my break from Snowflake. A lady came into the store earlier and bought a Lishman knit beaver hat, a rex rabbit weave scarf, and a pair of fox-trimmed gloves, all within a ten minute span. "I'll get these, and these, and these." She paid cash, too. $900. She was seriously considering getting her 80-year-old mother a $2500 mink shawl, but decided she would just leave it at the legion, anyways.

Worked the 6 a.m. shift at the restaurant today. When the door opened, we had a lineup twenty deep at the door. Fun stuff.

My friend and fellow waiter, Jason, has apparently injured himself to such an extent that he will not be working for two months. From what I hear he has a black eye, a concussion, and a broken arm. Oh, and today's his birthday! Happy Birthday Jason! I'm guessing he'll be headed back to Montreal. Poor lad :( I hope I get a chance to see him before he leaves.

Tomorrow is Calgary... I'll finally be able to use that Chapters gift card Katherine gave me for Christmas. Yay! I'll also be able to close my T.D. bank account and buy some shoes. Kick ass!

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