Saturday, August 25, 2007

choices.... choices....

Where do I want to go next? I'm pretty much 95% sure I've had my fill of Banff for a while.

I'm going to go home for a bit, but what after that? I'm thinking New Zealand right now, but I don't really have any concrete plans for there... I'm also thinking Nunavut at some point. Then again, maybe I should give some serious thought for working for a small community paper for a while.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I think you should probably wait on Nunavut, if you want to go there, and time your visit to their warm season. From what I've heard from people teaching up there, winter pretty much starts in September.

New Zealand could be cool, but it'd be good to have at least enough of an idea of what you're going to do to know where you're going.


Anonymous said...

Maybe a community paper in New Zealand? Or someone else I know did a photojournalistic project in a relatively westernized community with a marginalized group that had been pushed to the sidelines... Something like that would be cool where you go to NZ, get a job doing whatever, but take advantage of your time there to put together some kind of product that can be used for the dreaded "career" that might come some day.

Anonymous said...

I would consider other options, but out of those options I'd definitely pick NZ. I chose the career route...and although I now make more than double what I made back in NB I am not any happier for it. The money sure makes it easier to live...but I am stuck in a small town in northern AB...I am not sure I really am "living" Traveling abroad to live/work is an incredible experience that can't be explained until you do it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie. Interested in a one-year term position at the Opasquia Times in The Pas, Manitoba? If so, get in touch with me at (Victor)

Anonymous said...

I think you should come home for a while and goof off with your mother. Then get a job at a small community paper. There are actually a gazillion such jobs:
Then become a travel writer and get paid for enjoying life. (If Uncle John can do it, you can do it!)