Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm filling out a bunch of paperwork, right now. I've been gainfully employed by the same company for three months, now — yeehaw! Anyhow, as such I now qualify for benefits. being employed by Black Press for three months also, of course, means I've been residing in B.C. for three months now, which means I have to switch over my medicare and my drivers lisence. It is all very confusing, and a huge pain in the patooey: for example: all the forms ask me how long I've been in B.C. They then ask, "Is this a permanent move?" How am I supposed to answer that? I've been checking yes, but feeling mildly guilty about it, since permanent, to me, suggests forever, and all I can really guarantee is the upcoming year.

And get this! All you non-B.C. residents will be shocked and horrified by this, I know. I now have to enroll in the B.C. Medical Services Plan. It's mandatory, as a resident of the province. And, I get CHARGED for it. What the hell? Isn't the whole point of being a Canadian that I get free, basic medical coverage? Isn't this why I pay taxes?

In other news, I've found a place of my own to live — an advancement I am very excited about. It's like I'm becoming a real adult or something. ...Or something, likely. Anyhow, I am now the proud renter of a spacious two bedroom apartment. Right now, that apartment's sole piece of furniture is a bed, but I'm sure that'll change. A TV is soon to be added, as well. Of course, I don't have internet, as of yet, so it may be a while before you see me online again.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new place! and yeah Alberta charges for healthcare too. $44 a month. My work use to pay half and I paid the other half and it come directly off my paycheque but since leaving in Oct, and forgetting about having to pay for that since we didn't have to in NB, I am now 4 months behind..or $176 in back premiums :(

Tran and Shannon said...

Wow, gee, I never would have realized you'd have to pay for access to Medicare. I'm guessing there must be an income cut-off line, since I was under the impression it was considered a basic right in this country, no?

Anonymous said...

It's me again...Candice.

You lived in Alberta, didn't you have to pay healthcare here too, so why is this bc healthcare thing such a shock to you?

kimberley francis said...

hey katie! if you're not making the big bucks quite yet, you can qualify for premium assistance, which can mean FREE! they go by your annual income from the previous year, so if you're working kind of seasonally, or for less than about 15 bucks an hour, you usually qualify for a break in the rate. unfortunately it more form!

congrats on your new place! it's so nice to have your own, yeah?