Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A post for all the people who say I never post anymore

My new room is a disaster area. I switched rooms in order, in part, to escape the disaster that was my previous room. But then I spilt water on my bed, tripped over my dvd player and had it fly across my room and knocked a plant over, breaking its stem and adding dirt to the water on my bed. Oh, I also bought a bird, whose idea of amusement is throwing seeds out of his cage and onto my desk.

On the plus side, this room is sunnier and the window closes all the way which means it's warmer without costing me an arm and a leg in hydro.

In other news, I have grave concerns about the sunflower seedling I gave Quinn. I may be a poor mother to my plants in that I knock them over and also let my bird eat them, but at least I water them.

And now I must go to bed because tomorrow is coming up fast.

1 comment:

Tran and Shannon said...

I have 3 pots lined up on my kitchen windowsill. Once upon a time there were also 3 plants in these pots - one per pot. I now have 2 pots that have just dirt and 1 pot with a plant still living. My money tree somehow managed to survive my neglect. This is a good omen, right? For me. Not for the plants that died.