Wednesday, December 12, 2007

boo! It's almost Christmas

You will be happy to hear I have had no new spaghetti issues in the past six days.

I did, however, turn around yesterday and discover that Christmas had snuck up on me. Thirteen days from now it will be Christmas Day. Oy. Maybe it's time I sent all those Christmas cards, eh?

I think I may have made a record in photography sales. At the Interior News, we make $8 whenever someone comes into the paper and buys one of our photos. I sold 12 the other day! I wish I could say it was my amazing photography skills, but I'm pretty sure it mostly came down to luck. I did an 'Our Town' profile on a woman with Down syndrome here in Smithers, and her mother bought the photos I took to send to the relatives for Christmas.

Speaking of 'Our Town' profiles... The things are a major pain in the patooie. I have to do one a week. The paper has been running this feature, and a virtually identical one called 'Our Sports Town' in the paper every week for the past two years. You do the math... How many more interesting people can there be in the Bulkley Valley for me to interview?

I did get a refreshing break from it this week. This week, I interviewed Mrs. Claus about Santa's high blood pressure and her fondness for Tim Rice Lib Tech snowboards. It was an entirely factual and accurate piece, I assure you. I got her number off a friend of a friend and phoned her up in Santa's workshop on the North Pole.

1 comment:

niftyniall said...

Our Town; Switch to profiling companies,local businesses, parks, Interesting areas that surround the area;that only the locals know about(as a historical researcher, I know that there is numerous mineral claims throughout the region, that have a story to tell). Teachers and the kids. Merry Xmas!