Thursday, December 6, 2007


I just had a meal of cold spaghetti.

It didn't start out cold. Oh, no. That happened when I inadvertently dumped the whole load of spaghetti down the sink when I was trying to drain the water.

Now some of you may be saying, "Katie, this happens EVERY time you try to drain spaghetti using a pot lid."

Well, aren't you smart?

Actually, when the spaghetti all fell in the sink, it was still hot. I discovered this when I tried to use my fingers to scoop it back into the pot. It got cold when I ran cold water into it to clean it off.

In other news, I watched a most excellent movie the other night. I really must recommend it, as I suspect most of you have never seen it. It's a New Zealand flick called Black Sheep, or La Nuit de Moutons. It involves man-eating were-sheep. Need I say more?

Must sign off now, as I need to go back to the office and call a man about suicides among aboriginal teenagers.


teriyakibroth said...

Katie needs a colander for Christmas. :)

KT said...

You're not the only one to say so. lol

Anonymous said...

Black Sheep looks like a cool movie. I wanted to see it a while ago but never got around to it.