Friday, July 25, 2008

big city lights

I remember very little from my last visit to Vancouver, except that Mom wouldn't let me let go of her hand.

Today, though, I'm sitting in the grass in my Cousin Kim's back yard in East Vancouver. A extremly ancient and mangy looking cat keeps trying to climb into my lap, and Mom is nowhere in sight.

Shannon asked me yesterday if my blog had been disconnected for some reason... A not so subtle hint that I should update it, I suspect. And Quinn pointed out to me a while back that now that I no longer work for The Interior News I can go back to writing whatever I want in my blog, without censoring it for work/community consumption.

So, yes. I'm back on my blog. And yes, I have left The Interior News and Smithers.

Where to next? That's what I'm in Vancouver deciding right now. I'm contemplating staying here for a while. I have family here, and friends. Plus, I found a job posting yesterday for a circus performer, which seems like it would be a nice change of pace.

Right now I'm just enjoying the fact that it's July, the sun is out, and I don't have to wear a jacket. In fact, I'm getting a tan.

1 comment: said...

Go to the dollar store, buy yourself a cat brush, and give that cat a good brushing. S/he will love it. And if the laws of the cosmos are at work, someone will in turn brush the cat you abandoned on the East coast.

By the way, I am still holding your hand. (You will understand this comment when you are a mother).

