Saturday, November 24, 2007

...stupid dogs...

Well, the little ankle biters were standing at the door staring at me, so I figured I'd take them out back to their kennel. I've done it before. They all just kind of dart around my ankles and run into the kennel.

Anyhow, one of them. The one whose name may or not be Mia, or Chia, or something like that -- the black and white one -- took off.

The woman I'm staying with often complains about Mia/Chia/black and white dog, but still, in spite of having said, "I wouldn't mind if she just lost herself," I didn't figure she'd be that pleased to find her gone.


I brought the other two back in, and proceded to holler "hey puppy!" for the black and white one to no avail. Finally, I went back inside figuring she's small and has very little hair, so sooner or later she'll get tired of the snow and cold and come home... Hopefully, before her owner does!

On about my fifth trip to the door, sure enough, there she was on the porch shivering and waiting to come in. I opened the door for her, and what's-his-name, the youngest one (Chi Chi, maybe?) took off through the opening. Dammit. Again, who knows where he's gone. Back to hollering "hey puppy!"

...oh, the last dog just came home, so I guess this blog rant is over.

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