Wednesday, April 25, 2007

the semi-weekly update

Hello, all!

Well... let's see... what's new with me?

It's three in the morning, and I just got back from a house party at my assistant manager's house. I have to work at nine tomorrow, but I'm trying to sober up a bit first.

The party was a blast, though! ... And still going strong when I left. It was Marie-Josee's going-away party. I'm going to miss her! She's heading back to Montreal to be with her boyfriend.

I attended another going-away party on Sunday. Hannah flew home to England this afternoon. This morning, I was walking with her. She turned to me and said, "You know what I'm going to miss about Canada?" I had been walking and thinking about how beautiful the mountains were... So guess what she's going to miss the most about Canada? Our free refills on soft drinks!

Anyhow... Is anything else new in my life? Hmmm.... I joined Facebook the other day, and have already reconnected with my friend Jen Mitchell, who I lived with at Queen's. Jen is now married and has a kid.

Speaking of Queen's... I met a girl at tonight's party who attended Queen's at the exact same time as me, and who came to Banff at the exact same time as me. She's working as an X-ray technician at the hospital. We even have friends in common. How awesome is that!? Exchanged phone numbers, and will have to hang out sometime.

And now, I must say adeau. Like I said before: I work in less than six hours.

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