Sunday, April 22, 2007

itchy feet

I think I need to get a haircut. I'm feeling restless. And yes, the two are connected. When I start to feel the need for a change the first thing that goes is my hair. I've been pretty content the last year or so, which is how my hair has managed to grow shoulder length and stay blond.

I start my new job next month. Not a moment too soon, in my opinion. I'm going stir crazy, and it doesn't help that all the friends I've made here in Banff are leaving me. My house mates are heading off to the U.K. and Aus in the next few weeks.

It's time to try something new. I had been considering spending another winter here, but I just don't know anymore. If I do, I need to try something different, job-wise. And if I do, next season I'm definitely putting in more time on the slopes. My skiing hasn't improved a bit since I came to Banff, and that's just SAD.

This morning, while I was at work at Inns, I saw a man unicycle through the parking lot. It brightened my day a bit, and I remembered that learning to unicycle was on a to-do list I made last year. Back when I was at Queen's, there was a fellow who unicycled to class everyday...

This is a dead month for Banff. The ski season is drawing to a close, but the hiking season has yet to begin. The hotels are all empty, and so are the stores. It's no good for business, and no good for tips. I made five dollars the other day, and today, which as a Saturday is traditionally the busiest day of the week for the restaurant, I made twenty dollars It's disgusting. If I didn't live in staff accommodation, and therefore have to work, I would take the next week or so off. As it is, the restaurant can't give me enough hours... The have too many staff, and too few customers.

What all this means, is that I need to book a hair appointment.

A quick note... I actually wrote this last night, but then my internet connection decided to spaz out on me. I didn't wind up booking a hair appointment... Went out with my roomie, Jess, instead, and watched her spend an obscene amount of money on three t-shirts and a pair of shorts. In a bit, I'm heading to the Keg for supper, but first I think I may need a rejuvinating nap.

1 comment:

kimberley francis said...


I can relate. I used to head somewhere different almost every fall.

If you decide to keep your hair, you and a few buddies can always move to Vancouver. Whistlers lovely too.
