Thursday, November 23, 2006

Day 2: Calgary

Well, I finally figured out what is wrong with the keyboard. It{s been set for Spanish. However, I do not know how to change this... so be prepared for another apostropheless post.

Chris swore he had figured out what went wrong with the bed, so last night he pumped it up again. I went to sleep at around 8:00, zonked out of my mind from the jet lag. 12:00 the phone rings. It{s Rokaya, wanting into her apartment. I stagger up and let her in, noting as I lie back town again that I can feel the floor against my backbone...

And halleluah! I just found the apostrophe key!

So yeah, I can feel the floor: something I could NOT feel at 8:00.

2:00 I wake up. The electrical cord under the bed is digging into my spine. I decide I'll go give the love seat a try.

Yesterday I didn't really accomplish much. Wandered around the Chinook shopping centre with Rokaya for a while, and bought two books at Chapters. Rokaya pointed out all the fancy restaurants she thought I should drop my resume off at, and Chris pointed out all the McDonalds that were hiring. lol

We were all supposed to go to some sort of meeting last night, but I was pooped and decided not to... Hence the phone call from Rokaya at midnight.

Today is resume dropping day. Also possibly movie or mild partying night.

Right now, it looks like tomorrow may be head out to Banff day, but we shall see.

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