Friday, November 24, 2006

First day (or night as the case may be) of work


Rokaya and I had planned to go for Chinese food for lunch today, but somehow it didn't wind up happening. Oatmeal instead.

Last night, I didn't even TRY to sleep on the air mattress (which is completely deflated and folded in a corner. Instead, I slept curled up on the loveseat. Not the most spacious of sleeping arrangements, but I'm tiny and I managed to sleep through the night. Booyah! Third night's the charm, eh?

So yes, to get to the topic of the post... My new job. I started at 4:00 today. Started walking at 3:25 or so, and wound up a little early for work, but not a lot. Then, it turned out the girl they wanted me to shadow didn't even come in until 6:00, and it was pretty dead... Why they told me to come in so early, I do not know. But one of the other girls, Vanessa, showed me how to prepare the tables... steaming and polishing all the wine glasses, etc... Vanessa's worked tehre 3 weeks. She's from the NWT, and also used to work in a Chinese restaurant! I also learned how to fold linen napkins in a variety of pretty shapes, and learned the floor layout. Then Jenny, the girl I was shadowing showed up. Jenny is a table runner (she's also sometimes a hostess). Table runners stand in the kitchen, and when it gets too busy for the wait-staff to handle, they take the food out to the tables.

Anyhow, yeah. I worked 5 and a half hours, and then Amelia (I think), another new girl, drove me home. Her boyfriend lives in the next building over from Rokaya and Chris!

Tomorrow, I start work at 3:30.

1 comment:

Matthew Francis said...

Hey there Katie!

Wow... things sure go quickly in Calgary these days. That's so cool that you found a job right away. Ric's sounds great. 17th is definitely one of the nice parts of town. I lived in a bunch of different neighbourhoods in Calgary over the years, and that's for sure the most vibrant. Kensington, Inglewood, and the Marda Loop I think you'd also probably like (they have a bit of character). Anyway, just thought I'd say hey. Take care, and I hope you get great tips!


PS - I keep telling Krista how cool it is to have a cousin out here!