Wednesday, May 2, 2007

work = ugh!

So, today I came into work a few minutes before my starting time of 6:30. I WOULD LIKE TO EMPHASIZE THAT MY START TIME WAS 6:30. The restaurant was dark, but as I approached, I could see figures standing in it. I stepped over a dead bird that was lying in the entryway of the hotel, and entered the restaurant. One of the front desk guys was standing in there, along with a few of the cooks, and a japanese tourist.

"Hey, there's a dead bird..." says I.

"Where the hell have you been?" asks the bellman. "The restaurant is supposed to open for a japanese tour group in five minutes, and nothing been done."

Just to clarify, two servers always come in a half hour before the restaurant opens and get it set up for the day. There's a huge amount of stuff that needs to be done behind the scenes, and never enough time to do it.

Today, however, that didn't happen. Myself an Magda were scheduled to open the restaurant at the same time as a group of 21 japanese tourists were scheduled to dine.


I turned on the lights and threw a pot of coffee on. What else could I do? The customers kept coming up and asking me, "Um... Where is the ----?" At which point I would run and get the ketchup, the cream, the bread, the butter, or whatever else hadn't been brought out yet.

Good times.

And then... THEN... We had 100 middle school kids in for lunch. They were having fajitas. And of course they didn't understand the concept of one serving each, or portion sizes, which meant that some kids wound up with four helpings, while others wound up with none. I also wound up with none, which sucked, since the only reason I like working buffet functions is because I get to eat the leftovers.

Good times.

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