Wednesday, January 10, 2007

my new job

Today's my second day at Snowflake Furs. It's quite a change from waitressing, I'll say that! Still getting used to it, but I think I'm going to like it. I seem to have a knack for being able to tell what kind of furs something is, which is cool/useful. "Oh, that's rabbit. Oh, that's beaver," I bullshit quite airily to the customers, only to discover afterwards that I was, in fact, right. I've also learned a bunch about the history of various furs, such as sable, which was reserved for Russian royalty, and is still the priciest fur in the world.

The cold seems to be subsiding (fingers crossed). I've still got this sexy, husky voice, though.

Today's going to be a crazy day. I work from 9-6 at Snowflake, and then from 6:30 til whenever at the Inns. In case you're wondering how I'm managing to post this: I'm on my lunch break, thank you very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! The Snowflake Furs sounds like a fun job. You can pat all the nice furs as much as you want (instant stress relief!) Do you think you'll have many days where you're working such long shifts back to back? It might get exhausting after a while if it happens too frequently.

I hope your cold gets better soon! but enjoy the sexy voice while you have it ;)