Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Yes, I'm still alive

Tonight, while walking home from the movie theatre, I crossed paths with a deer. It was quite calmly walking down Martin Street. We passed within a metre of each other. There were other people on the street also, all going about their business in a kind of 'oh, look, there's yet another deer walking down the street,' way

I have seen more deer on the street since coming here than I have black people... a fact that may sound racist, but is nonetheless true. Tosin, you need to come out here and even up the ratio a bit, man. They're advertising for graphic artists here in Banff!

Went and saw 'Pursuit of Happyness' with my coworker from the fur shop, Tina, from Nova Scotia. What a downer! I mean, yes, in the end Chris Gardner becomes a multi-millionaire, but for most of the movie he just gets repeatedly kicked in the teeth. All I could think was that I was glad I lived in a small town in Canada.

I've put in for some time of in March to come home for Missy and Janine's wedding. Can't wait to see everyone.

Sorry it's been a while since I updated the blog. I've been working split shifts at the Inns, and long days at Snowflake. This means money, money, money, but also means that I am more inclined to sleep when not at work than write blog entries. I have this coming Saturday off, though!

I also now have internet. After a month of waffling, I coughed up the dough for a wireless card. I even sprang for the pricier one. What this means, is that I'm able to pick up wireless signals from the nearby hotels from my bedroom, while everyone else in the house can only pick them up by sitting beside the window in the living room.

1 comment:

tosin matti said...

Thanks again, for mentioning me in your blog. I feel honoured and I might have to visit to even up the black people ratio in Baniff.