Saturday, December 30, 2006

Round Two

Well, I went home and had a nap. Then I went out ice skating with Dan, which woke me right up for the first time in days. We followed it up with a few games of pool (and no, my pool skillz have not improved... Dan insisted there was some sort of British tradition where if you have seven balls left on the table at the end you have to pull down your pants and run around the table: I told him it was a good thing I wasn't British, then) and a hot chocolate. The hot chocolate may not have been a wise move, because it knocked me right out.

Having said that, you'll note I am not in bed. I'm meeting a couple of people for drinks and then hopefully getting a few hours of shut-eye before work tomorrow. I have this problem where I am a social beast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow you are sure moving a lot in a short time! Will the address you gave us still be good?

I hear ya on the socialization vs. sleep issue I'm having the same problem here. Socialization won and now I have a cold due to lowered immune defences.

Keep healthy! but remember social health is important too ;)

Love ya